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This website contains information on Palladio GmbH and its affiliated companies, in particular Palladio (Luxembourg) S.à r.l. and Palladio Management GmbH (hereinafter referred to as "Palladio Partners").

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Certain statements made on this website reflect the subjective views and opinions of Palladio Partners and its personnel, and cannot be independently verified, while other information has been obtained from third-party sources. Although such information is believed to be reliable for the purposes used herein, Palladio Partners has not independently verified such information and despite all due care, statements, data and information may be or become inaccurate. Therefore, no guarantee can be given that the information provided herein is up to date, correct, or complete, or that it is suitable for the purposes of the recipient; any and all liability on the part of Palladio Partners companies or persons in this regard is excluded as far as is legally permissible.

This website may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are based on plans, estimates, forecasts and expectations available at the time of preparation. By their very nature, forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. A variety of different factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Palladio Partners therefore gives no assurance that the expectations expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements will be achieved. Statements regarding the performance or volatility of an asset class are indicative only and not a forecast of the future. In general, alternative investments involve a high degree of risk, including the potential loss of the capital invested. These investments can be highly illiquid, charge higher fees than other investments, typically do not generate a consistent rate of return, and may decline in value. These investments are not subject to the same regulatory requirements as other registered or traditional investment products.

There is no guarantee of future returns, and an investment may result in a financial loss. Market and exchange rate movements may cause the capital value of investments, and the income from them, to go down as well as up, and investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. The (performance) scenarios presented for an alternative investment fund (AIF) or other investment are generally an estimate of future performance based on past experience of the performance of that investment and/or current market conditions, and are not an exact indicator. How much you receive depends on how the market performs and how long you hold the investment/product. The results and future performance of AIFs are subject to taxation, which depends on the personal situation of the investor concerned and which may change in the future. Palladio Partners also assumes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements. Furthermore, Palladio Partners reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided at any time.

Sustainability related disclosures can be found at: https://palladio-partners.com/en/sustainability/

Any decision to invest in an AIF should take into account all the characteristics and objectives of such AIF as described in its fund documents, particularly its private placement memorandum and subscription documents.

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Our management

Network. Stability. Partnership.

Picture of a group of employees from Palladio Partners from the bird perspective

Your contacts

A broad-based team of experts

Portrait of Bernd Kreuter

Dr. Bernd Kreuter

Managing Partner

Portrait of Markus Polarczek

Markus Polarczek

Partner and member of the executive team

Portrait of Dennis Schnutenhaus

Dennis Schnutenhaus

Managing Director and member of the executive team

Portrait of Anna Baumbach

Anna Baumbach


Portrait of Sven Clasen

Sven Clasen


Portrait of Sven Czermin

Sven Czermin


Portrait of Alexander Krater

Alexander Krater


Portrait of Thomas Mehlhorn

Thomas Mehlhorn


Portrait of Steffen Reeser

Steffen Reeser


Portrait of Bianca Salzer

Bianca Salzer


Operating Partner

Carsten Dentler